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NCS The Challenge

Summer & Autumn 2016,  saw SamiArt partnering with NCS The Challenge and bringing the #InspireAndShare ethos to groups of teenagers in true #SamiArtStyle - and it was all done through that fabulous creative medium of FINGERKNITTING :)


Testimonial from the Autumn Programme Manager:


" I was so impressed with all the knitting that the young people had done in their own time, as well as on the day - and their hard work in making the care packages is a testament to how much you have inspired them to use creativity to make a difference in the community. The homeless shelter was very happy with their gifts, and the handmade scarves made the packages even more thoughtful and special. 


I am also very thankful for the work you have done in helping us to make links with other local partners, especially Savvy Theatre. They proved to be an excellent partner for our drama group, and I look forward to continuing our work with them in the future. 


We are just about to start setting up our 2017 Summer Programme, and would love to work with you again."


Testimonial from the Summer Programme Manager:


"On their volunteering day they moved around the Sutton community showing members of the general public how to finger knit and telling them about the regeneration projects in the area. On their campaign day they displayed the knitted ears and scarfs they made the previous day and they raffled some off in order to raise awareness for their campaign 'Brighten the Darkness'.


Brighten the Darkeness was all about giving hope to people with mental disabilities and depression.


I believe the finger knitting really allowed the young people to build a solid foundation for their campaign and also get to know regeneration in their community. 


Team Sabesan
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